RRB Chennai Results for Junior Stenographer (English) Posts of CEN No. 03/2014, RRB Chennai Jr. Stenographer Results of CEN No.03/2014..,
The Railway Recruitment Board Chennai has issued the Jr. Stenographer (English) exam results of CEN No. 03/2014. The written examination was held on 11.01.2015, for the post of Junior Stenographer (English). Now the RRB Chennai has issued the qualified candidates list in roll number wise, aspirants can check your exam results at RRB Chennai official website i.e., rrbchennai.gov.in.
We have provided, some steps for ‘how to check the RRB Chennai Jr. Stenographer Results of CEN No. 03/2014. Follow the steps and download your exam results.
RRB Chennai Results for Junior Stenographer Posts of CEN. 03/2014
- Logon to RRB Chennai official website at rrbchennai.gov.in
- Select ‘Written Exam Results of CEN 03/2014’,
- Then, qualified candidate list was shown on the new website in roll numbers wise, scrolling down by using the mouse, for all candidates list.
There are totally 75 candidates have provisionally qualified and to be called for Skill Test/ Verification of Original Certificates, the date & venue for Skill (Transcription) Test will be intimated shortly.
- RRB Chennai Official website : www.rrbchennai.gov.in
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