RRB Chennai Senior Section Engineer JE Hall Tickets Download at rrbchennai.gov.in. Centralized Employment Notice No. 02/2014 for JE SSE Exam Hall Tickets/ Admit Cards 2014.
Southern Railway RRB Chennai is going to be conduct’s the Junior Engineer and Senior Section Engineer Examinations on 14th December & 21st December 2014. Railway Recruitment Board Chennai has issued the RRB Chennai JE & SSE Notification on 20th September 2014. The RRB JE, SSE Online application procedure is now running and last date for submitting the application forms is 19th October 2014. There are lot of candidates are applied for this posts. We have expected the competition is high level.
The RRB Chennai JE SSE Hall Tickets 2014 has available at RRB Chennai Official website. Railway Recruitment Board Chennai has decided to release the RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Hall Tickets 2014 & Senior Section Engineer (SSE) Hall Tickets 2014 in month before of the examinations through online. Applied candidates can going to download your RRB Chennai JE Hall Tickets and RRB Chennai SSE Hall tickets 2014 at RRB Chennai Official website. We have provided, how to download your exam hall tickets. Follow the given mentioned steps for download of your RRB JE, SSE Exam Hall Tickets.
RRB Chennai JE, SSE Exam Hall Tickets/ Admit Cards
- Log on to www.rrbchennai.gov.in
- Click on RRB Chennai JE, SSE Exam Hall Tickets/ Admit Cards link,
- Enter your Name/ Registration ID and Date of Birth,
- Then click on submit, your hall ticket will be displayed on your computer,
- Take printout of your hall ticket, to allow the examination hall. All the Best…,
RRB Chennai JE Hall Tickets 2014 and RRB Chennai SSE Hall Tickets / Admit Cards 2014 available at